Posted 10 September 2014 | 0 Comments
Salary: £70,000 – £80,000
Location: London
Availability: Within 1 month
A top Symfony2 Development Manager / Head of Development is seeking a new position within a fast paced start-up in London!
He can offer strong, hands on coding skills in PHP 5 using Symfony 2 MVC, as well as inspirational management skills for teams ranging from 2 – 20 developers. He has worked for blue chips in media, e-commerce and publishing as well as having significant start up experience.
This is the candidate to help you implement Agile and best practices such as TDD and BDD into your team. He knows Symfony 2 inside out and regularly contributes to the open source community. He also has excellent communication skills and developers enjoy working with him, finding him the be an inspirational mentor.
With a proven track record of getting development projects on track, he would make an excellent addition to a fast paced start-up looking to grow to the next level or get off the ground. If you would be interested in meeting someone who will make a real difference to your development team then contact us today!
Coming to SymfonyLive London 2014? We’ll see you there!